by Rev. Victoria Selnes, originally published at Druid in the City
This Imbolc, my local grove did a video ritual. Thanks to the current virus conditions, it didn’t make sense for us to gather in person to do the ritual, so we did it online.
My section, was hallowing (blessing) the Well.
Water is such a precious resource. Without it, we will die in short order. The only thing we need more than water for survival is oxygen. As with oxygen, too much water, or water in the wrong place, can kill us.
Water flows through our lives, through our taps, our sewers, our kitchens, our fountains, rivers, streams, rain, spit, seas, and so much more. Water is a significant part of every living thing – and many things that most people do not consider alive!
Water is life, and water is connection. The water we use to wash our dishes flows down the sink and into the pipes, eventually making its way to an area (the sea, or just any open space) where it evaporates. Those water molecules in the air get tossed around on the wind and through our weather, eventually raining back down on Earth somewhere.
Some of that water ends up in man-made or naturally formed reservoirs to be cycled back into our homes as water we use for drinking, washing and cleaning.
That cup of water that you just used to make soup could have come from anywhere in the world.
Imagine that. Water could be anywhere. Those molecules that make up the water you use could have touched any other water molecules and any other living or non-living thing on this planet.
Every drop of water can connect to every other drop of water.
Think about that.
Every drop of water can connect to every other drop of water.
One of the easiest ways to work with water is for connection
The next time you’re taking a sip of water, or tea, or soda, or whatever, take a moment to appreciate that connection.
Take a sip and think of all the beings in the world. You are connected to them. You share water.
Imagine what kinds of beings, people, pets, plants, rocks that water could have come in contact with. Imagine what it would be like to be that being.
And with your next sip, imagine a different being.
Spend a moment in contemplation about connection.
Some fun and informational links
Considering that level of connection can be heavy stuff, so here’s a few links for you to learn more about water and how it flows through our world.
The water cycle | Ecology | Khan Academy
Water – Liquid Awesome: Crash Course Biology #2