Solitary Fall Equinox to Freyr, Freya, Sif and Idun

posted on juin 13, 2019
Related: Autumn Equinox / Mabon, Solitary Rituals, Norse Culture, Eldr ok Iss: Kin de Feu et de Glace, Bragi, Freya, Freyr, Heimdallr, Idun, Nerthus, Sif

Deities of the occasion

Nerthus as Earth Mother
Heimdallr as Gatekeeper
Bragi and Saga for Bardic Inspiration
Freyr, Freya, Iðunn and Sif as Patrons

Preparation: Gather Offerings!

Nerthus: corn meal
Fire/Well/Tree: incense/silver/branch
Heimdallr: whiskey
Outdwellers: beer
Bragi/Saga: mead
Nature Spirits: nuts
Ancestors: bread
Gods: apples
Freyr: poblano pepper
Freya: heirloom tomato
Iðunn: golden apple
Sif: wheat
Isaac: vow

The Rite

(Stand at shrine)

1. Initiating the Rite

(Ring bell three times)
Ich bin hier die Göttern zu ehren! (I am here to honor the Gods!)
(Ring bell three times)
(louder) Ich bin hier die Göttern zu ehren!
(Ring bell three times)
(loudest) Ich bin hier die Göttern zu ehren!

2. Purification

(Lift glass of beer, turn away from shrine and leave room.)

You who come from the outer dark.
You who stood against the gods and man.
You who are cold of heart and cruel of mind.
Take this and trouble not my work.

(Pour beer) (Return to shrine)

As I prepare to come before the Kindred, I set aside those parts of myself that distract me from the task at hand. I push aside all thoughts of mundane life that would creep into my mind.

(Breathe deeply. Relax. Concentrate on blowing out negativity that is built up inside myself.)

3. Honoring the Earth Mother

Nerthus,Earth Mother
You stand solidbeneath my feet.
Cold of rock,warmth of stone,
You support me always.
Hail Nerthus!

4. Statement of Purpose

As I stand firmly upon Mother Earth, I give praise and offerings to the Kindred in the ways of those who have gone before me. I am here on the day of the Fall Equinox, when the hours of night increase and encroach upon and balance the hours of the day as they slip away. The harvest of the Earth’s bounty is well underway. I call upon Freyr, prince of the world, Freya, maiden of all that is wild, Iðunn, keeper of the golden apples, and Sif, lady of the golden wheaten hair. I call upon Isaac, beloved founder of my order. On this day of balance, in this time of personal stress, I seek the self-discipline I need to keep balance in my own life, to care for my family, to help my company thrive, and to grow in my practice of druidry.

5. Creating the Cosmos

Sacred Fire,holy woods,
Warm lightto fill the hall.
Nine realmsare known.
With my wordsthis night,
Let all realmshear my call.
As I call the Kindred forth…

(Light Fire and add incense.)

In wisdom, love, and power, I kindle the sacred fire.
Sacred Fire, burn within me.

Holy Well,waters deep,
Three streams stronggather the flow.
What is, what was,what will be,
Eyes of sisters,watching, three.
As I call the Kindred forth…

(Offer silver to Well)

In the depths flow the waters of wisdom.
Sacred Waters, flow within me.

Mighty Tree,middle of all,
Nine realms full,its branches make.
World tree,Yggdrasil,
High one hung,upon your branches.
Serpent below,eagle above,
Squirrel between.I seek shelter.
As I call the Kindred forth…

(Dress and cense the Tree)

From the depths to the heights spans the world tree.
Sacred Tree, grow within me.

(Spread hands)

The fire, the well, the sacred tree,
Flame and flow and grow in me.
In land, sea, and sky,
Below and on high!
Thus is the sacred grove claimed and hallowed.

By the cleaning of water and fire, let all ill turn away from me and mine.
So sei es! (So be it!)

6. Opening the Gates

Heimdallr, Holy OneShining guardian,
You who can hear,the growing of grass,
and of wool,Unsleeping one,
Teacher of runes,and of our Wyrd,
Well-known wise watcher,I ask your help now;
Bifrost bridge-warder,Open the ways once again.

(Offer to Heimdall)

Heimdall, accept my sacrifice!

Let the fire open as a gate, let the well open as a gate, let the tree open as a gate between the worlds and let Heimdall walk with me in all ways.
Let the gates be open!

6a. Bardic Inspiration

Saga… All hear the ancient one come…
Saga… Help me to see the harvest…
Saga… Guide me to the table…
Saga… Sing me tales of wonder.
Remind me that we are able
To drain the cup yet drink again.
Golden seer of eternal light
Fire me with your beloved presence
Your song is my own…Saga

Bragi, Odinson,
Best of the wordsmiths
And first of the skalds.
You with the tongue of gold
Whose words are like the finest mead,
I ask you, best of bards,
To bless me and make my words mix well.
Bragi, let your inspiration flow!

(Offer to Saga and Bragi)

7. Inviting the Three Kindreds.

Ancestors oldHeroes renowned,
Blood of my veinsStrength in my soul,
Grandmothers, DisirWise watching women,
Weal-bringing warders.I offer you welcome.
Grandfathers, Alfarlight-alf, dark-alf, black-alf,
Weal-bringing warders.I offer you welcome.
Great heroes of eld.might-memory knows.
Your valor shines still.I offer you welcome.
O Ancestors of blood and heart,I call you forth!

(Sing Mothers and Fathers of Old)

From far beyond this mortal plane, mothers and fathers of old
I pray that you return again, mothers and fathers of old
To share with me the mysteries and secrets long untold
Of the ancient ways I seek to reclaim, mothers and fathers of old.

(Make offering of Bread to the Ancestors)

Ancestors, accept my sacrifice.

(Raise drinking horn)

People of eld, honored dead, my kindred, hallow these waters. Share with me lore and blessings.
Sieh den Lebenswassern! (Behold the waters of life!)

Land spirits,Keepers of place,
Wise with weather,Your knowledge runs deep,
Luck and prosperity,Your blessings fall,
Honor to you,I bring this night,
Landvaetir great,Ancient as earth,
Land wights old,Guardians true,
Your strength strong still,I offer you welcome.,
O Spirits of the natural world,I call you forth!

(Sing Fur and Feather)

Fur and feather and scale and skin
Different without but the same within.
Many of body but one of soul
Through all creatures are the gods made whole.

(Make offering of Nuts to the Nature Spirits)

Nature Spirits, accept my sacrifice.

(Raise drinking horn)

Spirits, dwarves, and elves, hallow these waters. Share with me lore and blessings.
Sieh den Lebenswassern!

Aesir, Vanir,Shining ones all,
On the Plain met,Many moons past,
Of Ask and Embla,My ancestors first,
Many things made.Of the gods we all come,
None of you gods,is not mighty indeed,
Of soul, sense, and being,you have given us well,
Taught us of runes,Of faith and troth,
Of right-mindfulness,and honor true.
O Shining Ones of magic and might,I call you forth!

(Sing Hail all the Gods)

Hail all the gods,
Hail all the goddesses.
Hail all the holy ones,
We dwell together.
Lords of the sky,
Ladies of the sacred earth.
Spirits and ancestors,
We dwell together.
Hail all the gods,
Hail all the goddesses.
Hail all the gods … and goddesses.

(Make offering of Apples to the Shining Ones)

Gods and goddesses, accept my sacrifice.

(Raise drinking horn)

Gods and goddesses of old times and new, hallow these waters. Share with me your power, lore and blessings.
Sieh den Lebenswassern!

8. Key Offerings

Frey, Fro ing, protector of the gods,
Fruitful god of wealth-gifts,
I pray that you protect me and my kin,
That you ward us while it is winter,
And that you bring us back to bright bounty again.

(Make offering of poblano pepper to Frey)

Freya, the Frowe, bright beautiful one,
Sister of Freyr, owner of cats,
I pray that you bear frith to my Folk
That you show us love while it is winter,
And that you bring us back to bright bounty again.

(Make offering of heirloom tomato to Freya)

Iðunn, apple keeper,
Bragi’s wife, youth granter,
I pray that you keep me and my kin in health,
That you keep us hale while it is winter,
And that you bring us back to bright bounty again.

(Make offering of golden apple to Iðunn)

Sif, golden-haired one,
Thor’s wife, faithful goddess,
I pray that you inspire us to excellence,
That you show us faith while it is winter,
And that you bring us back to bright bounty again.

(Make offering of wheat to Sif)

Isaac, founder, wise druid, sage.
I pray that you inspire my studies,
and spur me to excellence,
That that I myself might become wise in the ways of druidry.
Be welcome at my table.

(Make offering of a vow to Isaac: a weekly donation to ADF for TBD period.)

9. Prayer of Sacrifice

Shining Ones, Noble Ones, and Mighty Ones, I have given you praise and honor! A gift calls for a gift and I pray to you as I offer up these sacrifices. Accept them, open my heart, and give to me of your blessings.

10. Omen

(Take up bag of runes. Keep “cheat sheet” at hand.)

Kindred, do you accept my offerings today?

(Draw rune. If yes, thank them. If no, offer more.)

What are the blessings you offer in return?

(Draw rune, interpret.)

What are the further needs the Kindred have of me today?

(Draw rune, interpret. Take a moment to internalize and consider what the omens mean in terms of plans for the day.)

I thank you for this information.

(Record omen.)

11. Calling for the Blessing

(Hold drinking horn high)

Wryd’s well waters,I waited to reveal.
Three women weaving,Scores cut and laws laid,
Well have I witnessto the glory of gods,
Giving gift for gift,great ones all.
The waters receivedwetness of galdr,
Words were spokenand runes were read,
Wyrd was revealedAnd weal I await.
With these waters let the blessings flow…

12. Hallowing the Blessing

Shining Ones, Noble Ones, and Mighty Ones, I have praised you and received your blessings. Hallow these waters and give to me of your power and inspiration and vitality.

13. Affirmation of the Blessing.

Sieh den Lebenswassern!
(Drink draft from horn)

14. Workings (if any)

15. Thanking the Beings

Kindreds have comeheeded the calling
Honor was givenand honor received.
Great are my dead,and great are my heroes,
Great are my land wights,and great are my gods.
With each call I maketo our Kindreds true,
They heed my calls moreand our troth stronger be.
Rite ending, words waning,our troth stronger still,
I carry it wellwith me all ways
Honor to the Kindredsfor ever more.

I have called upon the Kindreds and they have answered! With joy in my heart I carry their magic into my life and work. Each time I offer to the powers they become stronger and more aware of my needs and worship. So as I prepare to depart, let me give thanks to those who have aided me.

Freyr, ich danke Sie!
Freya, ich danke Sie!
Iðunn, ich danke Sie!
Sif, ich danke Sie!
Isaac, ich danke Sie!
Bragi, ich danke Sie!
Saga, ich danke Sie!
Heimdall, ich danke Sie!
Assir, Vanir, Göttern, Göttiner, ich danke Sie!
Naturgeisten, ich danke Sie!
Vorfahr, Ahne, ich danke Sie!

16. Closing the Gates

Now by the keeper of the gates and by my magic, I end what I began.
Let the fire be flame.
Let the well be water.
Let ways between be shut.
Lassen die Toren zumachen. (Let the gates be closed)

17. Thanking the Earth Mother

Nerthus, Earth Mother, you are my greatest support. Sustainer of Life, without you I would be nothing. All that remains unused will be given to you.
Nerthus, ich danke Sie!

18. Closing the Rite.

I have done as my ancestors have done and as my children will do, and the Kindreds have answered. I go now, a child of the Earth, in peace and blessings. This rite is ended.
So sei es!

posted on juin 13, 2019 | Related: Autumn Equinox / Mabon, Solitary Rituals, Norse Culture, Eldr ok Iss: Kin de Feu et de Glace, Bragi, Freya, Freyr, Heimdallr, Idun, Nerthus, Sif
Citation: Web Administrator, "Solitary Fall Equinox to Freyr, Freya, Sif and Idun", Ár nDraíocht Féin, juin 13, 2019,