Norse Yule to Freyr and Skadhi

posted on Juni 13, 2019
Related: Winter Solstice / Yule, Anglo-Saxon Culture, Norse Culture, Eldr ok Iss: Kin of Fire and Ice, Kindreds, Freyr, Heimdallr, Jotun-Heim, Skadhi

by Eagle Mountain Protogrove

0. Preparation The Grove Organizer (as public face of the Grove) gives a pre-ritual briefing to ensure that all participants know what to expect and understand the purpose and symbolism of the ritual. The Bard leads the people to a gathering spot outside the ritual space. The Celebrant and Warrior stand at the entrance to the ritual space.

1. Procession

The Bard strikes a chime or rings a bell thrice three times: three groups of three tolls.

Bard says an opening prayer: We, children of the Earth, gather here today at the start of the season of the sun’s greatest weakness. The might of winter lies before us, but our larders are full and we are well prepared. Let us take this time to feast and celebrate and honor the gods as our ancestors honored them. Bard leads the people in a line to the grove and stops at the entrance.

Warrior challenges each person in turn as they approach the entrance:

Eagle Mountain Protogrove and the three Kindreds welcome you and thank you for your gifts.

Celebrant collects offerings for the Earth Mother, if any, in a large bowl.

Warrior censes person and says: “Be purified and enter.”

Warrior allows person to pass.

As each person enters, they grab a percussion instrument and start percussing, following lead of the Bard who was first through the gate.

After all have entered, Warrior and Celebrant pass through gates.

Celebrant places offering bowl on ground in front of main altar.

2. Purification

Orator: We now call upon the guardian of this rite. (Gestures to Warrior) Warrior goes to altar of Thor:

Thunder, protector of Gods and of the common man. Wielder of the mighty hammer Mjolnir. We come together in this place to worship in the old ways. We ask you to guard and protect this rite through arms and magic. To dispatch all ettins, trolls, and enemies of Asgard. Until our rite is finished. We offer you mead so you may not thirst. And light this flame to help you keep your vigil.

Warrior pours cup of mead and lights candle.

Ice giant slayer, Sif’s husband, Mighty Thor, accept this sacrifice!

The People: Mighty Thor, accept our sacrifice!

Celebrant performs a traditional Hammer Rite to hallow the space.


(Facing North, make hammer sign, saying) Hammer in the North, hallow and hold this holy stead, (Facing East, make hammer sign, saying) Hammer in the East, hallow and hold this holy stead, (Facing South, make hammer sign, saying) Hammer in the South, hallow and hold this holy stead, (Facing West, make hammer sign, saying) Hammer in the West, hallow and hold this holy stead, (In center, make sign overhead, saying) Hammer above us, hallow and hold this holy stead. (In center, make sign towards ground, saying) Hammer below us, hallow and hold this holy stead. Around us and in us, Asgard and Midgard!

(Old Norse):

Hamarr i nordhri, helga vé theta ok hald vördh Hamarr i austri, helga vé theta ok hald vördh Hamarr i sudhri, helga vé theta ok hald vördh Hamarr i vestri, helga vé theta ok hald vördh Hamarr yfir mer helga vé theta ok hald vördh Hamarr undir mer helga vé theta ok hald vördh Um mik ok I mér Asgardhr ok Midhgardhr!

3. Honoring the Earth Mother

Celebrant stands in center of gathering and says O Great Nerthus, lady of the cart. Oh shrouded lady, She who travels from her island in the sea to bestow fertility to the land and blessings to her people. Earth Mother Nerthus, we show you honor! Celebrant kneels and kisses the Earth. So do the People, as they are able.

Celebrant picks up and elevates the bowl of offerings from the People and places it back before the altar. Then, lifting bowl of corn meal and steel cut oats: Offerings we make to you, great earth mother Nerthus. We offer oats, a grain of the old world. We also offer corn, the fruit of these new lands.

Earth Mother Nerthus, accept our sacrifice!

People: Earth Mother Nerthus, accept our sacrifice!

4. Statement of Purpose


We gather here to celebrate the Yule, the time of the height of darkness and the return of the sun, a time of feasting and a time to prepare for the new year. As our ancestors did, so do we now. We are here to offer worship to Freyr, bringer of new things and fertility, and to Skaði, who despite great sorrow and rage, found acceptance, laughter and love. So let us join together as one folk to make our offerings in joy and reverence! So be it!

People: So be it!

4a. Call for Inspiration

Orator: We will now make a call for poetic inspiration. (Gestures to Bard)

Bard approaches the altar and raises a cup of mead.

Odin, Allfather,

You who hung on the tree for nine days

For prophesy.

You who gave an eye to the well

For wisdom.

You who drank of Kvasir’s mead

For inspiration.

Lend us your powers this night

That we may speak well and true.

  Bard pours libation into offering bowl.

5. The Sacred Center

Orator: We now consecrate the Hallows by which we make offering.

Seer offers silver to the Well, saying:

Great Mimir’s well, fountain of all wit and wisdom. You from which we receive inspiration and eloquence. You to which Odin gave an eye for one draught. We make this sacrifice to you, That you may carry our sacrifice to those to whom we send. To those of this world and the worlds below.

Mimir’s Well, flow within us!

People: Mimirs Well , flow within us!

Bard offers oil to the Fire, saying:

Great flame which warms and protects us. You which combines with the air and water To create Bifrost the rainbow bridge. We make this sacrifice to you, That you may carry our sacrifice to those to whom we send. To those of this world and the worlds above.

Light of the Bifrost, burn within us!

People: Light of the Bifrost, burn within us!

Warrior pours water on roots and the censes the World Tree, saying: Great Yggdrasil, World Ash. You whose roots reach down below the lowest world. You whose crown reaches above the highest world. You who touches all the worlds. We make this sacrifice to you, That you may carry our sacrifice to those to whom we send. To those of all the nine worlds.

Mighty Yggdrasil, grow within us!

People: Mighty Yggdrasil, grow within us!

7. Opening the Gate(s)

Orator: Let us now call upon our Gatekeeper to open the gates by which we make offering.

Warrior approaches altar and lifts a cup of mead: Wondrous Heimdallr, watchman of the Gods, Rider of the mighty horse Gulltoppr, [gool-tawp] We ask thee to open the gates so that we may cross the rainbow bridge By thy will, let the gates be opened!

Pours offering of Mead, saying:

Heimdallr, accept our offering!

People: Heimdallr, accept our offering!

Warrior says:

Heimdallr, we call on you to make this well Mimir’s. Heimdallr, we call on you to make this fire Bifrost. Heimdallr, we call on you to make this tree Yggdrasil. Heimdallr, walk with us in all ways. Let the gates be open!

People: Let the gates be open!

6. Completing the Cosmology

Orator: Now that the gates are open, we can be heard more clearly, but just because someone can hear you doesn’t mean they’re paying attention, so let us recognize each of the worlds to draw their attention that much more.


(In the North)

Nifl-heim, land of the frost giants,

Land of the cauldron Hvergelmir,

From which the 11 streams flow.

We honor you tonight,

That we may become one with you.


People: We honor you.

(In the East)

Jotun-heim, land of the giants,

Land of Ymir,

Whose body was used to create the worlds.

We honor you tonight,

That we may become one with you.


People: We honor you.

(In the South)

Muspells-heim, land of the fire giants,

Land of the sparks,

That flew into the air to make the stars.

We honor you tonight,

That we may become one with you.


People: We honor you.

(In the West)

Vana-heim, land of the elder godden,

Godden of wind and sea,

Godden of agriculture and fertility.

We honor you tonight,

That we may become one with you.


People: We honor you.


Svartalf-heim, land of the Dark Elves,

Cultivators of ores and gems,

Makers of the goddens gifts.

We honor you tonight,

That we may become one with you.


People: We honor you.


Hel-heim, deepest of the lands,

Resting place for those ancestors,

Who did not die in battle.

We honor you tonight,

That we may become one with you.


People: We honor you.


Alf-heim, land of the light elves.

Protectors of nature.

Makers of fairy rings.

We honor you tonight,

That we may become one with you.


People: We honor you.


Asgard, Highest of the lands.

Home of the Aesir,

And those who died in battle.

We honor you tonight,

That we may become one with you.

People: We honor you.



And here in Midgard,

By drawing the focus of the other worlds,

We become one


People: We become one.

8. General Offerings to and Invocations of The Spirits

Orator: Druids! Make our Offerings to the Kindreds – the Ancient Ones, the Noble Ones and the Shining Ones.

The Seer offers bread to the Ancestors, saying:

Hail to the Alfar, all ringed round us, the fathers of the folk Hail to the Disir all ringed round us, the mothers of our might. Hail to our kin, in the hidden lands, Hail Ancestors, accept our sacrifice!

People: Hail Ancestors, accept our sacrifice!

The Warrior offers grain to the Landvaettir, saying

To all those who dwell in this land, we give honor. Kindreds of soil, of the waters, of the sky, clans of tree and herb, of stone and stream and lake, tribes of bird and beast and creeping things, you we remember with honor as we drink. We ask the spirit of the land to join us at our fire and feast, that all wights of good will may be blessed. Hail Landvaettir, accept our sacrifice! [lahnd-fat-tear]

People: Hail Landvaettir, accept our sacrifice!

The Bard offers oil at the fire to the Deities, saying We call to the Aesir and Vanir. [ass-ear, vahn-ear] Hear us eldest and brightest. To all you shining and deep ones, Wisest and mightiest, Cunning and fair, loving and comforting, gods and goddesses, We call to you as our elders, in reverence and love, to join in our magic. Come to our fire, Aesir and Vanir Meet us at the boundary Guide and ward us as we walk the elder ways. Hail Deities, accept our sacrifice!

People: Hail Deities, accept our sacrifice!

9. Honoring the Deities of the Rite

Orator: Oh Ancient, Noble and Shining Ones! Oh, Children of the Earth! May we now all join together to give worship and praise to the Gods of our rite!

Celebrant offers mead and food.

Freyr, protector of the gods, [fray]

Ingwaz-seed, the chaos of potential, [ing-wahz]

Slain Shining One, still you survive strong.

Gerðr-husband and giver of gold, [gairth]

You who sacrificed sword and stallion,

I pray that you protect me and my kin,

That you ward us while it is winter,

And that you bring us back to bright bounty again.

(pour libation and place food on altar)

Freyr, accept our sacrifice.

  People: Freyr, accept our sacrifice! Celebrant offers mead.

Goddess of the winter snows,

Njörðr’s wife, Þjazi’s daughter, [nyurth, thya-zi]

We call upon you now!

Snow shoe goddess, Father avenger

Great archer, and strong of will

Come join us by our fire!

Your father’s eyes placed among the stars

You were given a husband

And a place among the Aesir and Vanir

We offer you, oh Skaði, mead

(pour libation)

Great Skaði, accept our Sacrifice

  People: Great Skaði, accept our sacrifice!

10. Personal Offerings

Orator: Let all who would offer praise come forth and do so now.

Bard starts drumming, accompanied by people

Anybody who has a personal offering makes it now.

When all have made offerings that wish to, Bard increases tempo of drumming

11. Prayer of Sacrifice

The Celebrant stands in front of the altar and says:

Now, let our voices arise on the fire; let our voices resound in the well; let our call pass the gate to the land of spirits. Holy kindreds: Gods, Ancestors and Landvaettir! The Children of Earth send you love and honor with this gift.

Bard abruptly stops drumming.

Holy Ones, accept our sacrifice!

People: Holy Ones, accept our sacrifice!

12. The Omen

Orator: Seer, what blessings and wisdom do the Kindreds offer us this day?

Bard starts drumming a rhythmical heart-beat pattern. Seer steps to altar, picks up bag of runes, and says

Hail Odin, Lord of the Shining Ones

Thou who knowest the runes of wisdom.

Grant me thy insight so that I may interpret thy ancient words

Seer casts runes and ponders their meaning. The Seer turns to face the congregation and announces The Kindreds have spoken: I have an omen! Bard stops drumming. Seer pronounces omen.

13. Calling for the Blessing

Orator: Gather now, Children of the Earth, while we prepare the Waters of Life.

Celebrant fills horn with mead. Bard and Warrior each take up half of the cups. Celebrant picks up horn and faces congregation.

Children of the Earth, all we have done so far in our rite, have led to this moment. We have made offerings to the Kindreds, and now we shall ask for their blessings in return.

14. Hallowing the Waters

Celebrant raises horn and says

Shining Ones, Noble Ones, and Mighty Ones, we have praised you and received your blessings. Kindreds we ask you to hallow these waters. We ask you to bless our lives with magic, power and abundance.

I raise this horn and ask: Ancestors. Give us the waters of life.

Again I raise the horn and ask: Landvaettir. give us the waters of life

I raise the horn a third time and ask: Aesir and Vanir give us the waters of life

Behold, the waters of life!

People: Behold, the waters of life!

Orator: When you receive your cup, feel free to toast, boast, or make oaths, as you will. This is especially appropriate at a Norse Yule.

The Celebrant, Warrior, and Bard each take a cup of the Waters of Life. Each utters a toast, a boast and/or an oath (to encourage the People to follow suit.) They then approach, as a group, each participant in turn. The Celebrant pours mead into a cup, held by the Warrior or Bard, who then hands the cup to the person. After all have been served, the Celebrant returns to the center and faces the congregation.

15. Affirmation of the Blessing

The Celebrant says: We have drunk of the Waters of Life! The Kindreds have given us true and wondrous blessings. We affirm the gifts of our Kindreds and acknowledge their power in our lives.

Children of the Earth, do you accept the gifts of the Kindreds?

People: We accept the gifts of the Kindreds!

16. Works (if any)

Here the spot for magical workings, ritual public oaths, welcoming new members into the Grove, etc.

17. Final Affirmation (Of Works)

18. Thanking the Beings

Celebrant says: We have called upon the Kindreds and they have answered! With joy in our hearts we carry their magic into our life and work. Each time we offer to the powers they become stronger and more aware of our needs and worship. So, as we prepare to depart let us give thanks to those who have aided us. Celebrant: Noble Skaði, for your strength in the face of adversity, We thank you.

People: We thank you!

Celebrant: Freyr, bringer of weal, for warding us through this winter, We thank you.

People: We thank you! Bard: Aesir, Vanir, and all the godden who have attended our rite, We thank you.

People: We thank you! Warrior: Landvaettir, for protecting the land and attending our rite, We thank you.

People: We thank you! Seer: Ancestors, old, and new. For guiding us in our rite, We thank you.

People: We thank you! Celebrant: To all those of the 9 worlds who have attended our rite, We thank you.

People: We thank you! Bard: Odin, Allfather, for your gift of eloquence and inspiration, We thank you.

People: We thank you! Warrior: Heimdallr, Bifrost warden, for holding the gates open that our offerings may be received. We thank you.

People: We thank you! Warrior: Thor, mighty protector, for guarding us in our rite, We thank you. People: We thank you!

19. Closing the Gate(s)

Orator: We call once more on our gatekeeper to close the gates.

Warrior approaches altar and says

Heimdallr, Keeper of the Bifrost, once more we offer to you.

Warrior pours oil on fire and says

Come once more and join your magic with ours!

And for this we say: We thank you!

People: We thank you!

Warrior: Let the fire be flame. Let the well be water. Let this tree return to the Midworld. Let the gates be closed!

People: Let the gates be closed!

20. Thanking the Earth Mother

Celebrant says:

Nerthus, Earth Mother, we walk upon you every day but never forget you. In gratitude for all your gifts, we say: We thank you!

People: We thank you!

21. Statement of Ending

Bard rings bell thrice three times.

Celebrant says:

We have done as our ancestors have done, and the Kindreds have answered. We go now, Children of the Earth, in peace and blessings.

This rite is ended!

posted on Juni 13, 2019 | Related: Winter Solstice / Yule, Anglo-Saxon Culture, Norse Culture, Eldr ok Iss: Kin of Fire and Ice, Kindreds, Freyr, Heimdallr, Jotun-Heim, Skadhi
Citation: Web Administrator, "Norse Yule to Freyr and Skadhi", Ár nDraíocht Féin, Juni 13, 2019,