Invocation to Janus (Ovid)

posted on Juni 13, 2019
Related: Deity Invocations, Roman Culture, Deities, dean, Janus

(from Ovid’s Fasti, I. 63-72)

Iane biceps, anni tacite labentis origo,
Two-headed Janus, opener of the softly gliding year,
solus de superia qui tua terga vides,
who alone of the shining ones beholds his own back, (65)

dexter ades ducibus, quorum secura labore
Bless our leaders, whose cheerful toil
otia terra ferax. otia pontus habet:
provides peace to the fruitful earth, peace to the sea.

dexter ades patribusque tuis populoque Quirini,
May you bless the leaders, the folk and the people of Quirinus
et resera nuto candida templa tuo.
and by your nod, open the temples white. (70)

Prospero lux oritur: linguis animisque favete!
A propitious light arises: attend with a breath of silence.
nunc dicenda bona sunt bona verba die.
Now must good words be spoken on a good day.

posted on Juni 13, 2019 | Related: Deity Invocations, Roman Culture, Deities, dean, Janus
Citation: Web Administrator, "Invocation to Janus (Ovid)", Ár nDraíocht Féin, Juni 13, 2019,