Hymn to Xáryomēn

by Ceisiwr Serith posted on maio 23, 2020
Related: Deity Invocations, Proto-Indo-European Culture, Não categorizado

Xáryomēn Dhétipotei,
Sumenesṇs priɂons dōtor
Suwéstēr zdhi.
Wedhe nōs som
Xṛneu nōs sḗm.
Tebhyo zṃgénse spendemes.
Tod ɂéstu!

Xáryomēn, Lord of the Law of the People.
Giver of well-disposed friends.
Be our good Herdsman.
Bring us together.
Make us one.
May we worship you as one people.
So be it!)

by Ceisiwr Serith posted on maio 23, 2020 | Related: Deity Invocations, Proto-Indo-European Culture, Não categorizado
Citation: Ceisiwr Serith, "Hymn to Xáryomēn", Ár nDraíocht Féin, maio 23, 2020, https://ng.adf.org/ritual/hymn-to-xaryomen/?lang=pt-br