Fire & Ice Two Powers

posted on März 28, 2019
Related: Meditation and Trance, Anglo-Saxon Culture, Norse Culture, Order of the Raven and Falcon, Practical Ritual Skills, dean

Fire and Ice Two Powers

Children of Midgard, let yourself relax and breathe deeply. Your breath  is a gift of the gods, let it fill you and sustain you.

As you breathe, let your mind drift down, far beneath the earth. Let it drift into a primordial realm before the world was made. As you look deeper feel the coldness of ice. This is form created out of formlessness. Know that this ice is the manifestation of will and the shaping of things. It is one of the two powers that created the entire cosmos. Still and hard, yet full of power.

As you feel the cold and hardness of the ice let it take root in your feet transforming them into ice. As water is transfixed into icicles let your body become the ice. Feel yourself becoming filled with ice, from your feet, through your legs up to the first cauldron of power in your loins. Let the ice fill this cauldron bringing the power of manifestation of matter at its most fundamental level. Feel the power of potential become manifest and real at this point. Let the cauldron be filled until overflowing.

Now the ice moves upwards filling your torso until it reaches the cauldron of power at your heart. As the ice fills your heart know that even our desires, as fluid as water can be made real and solid. This ice brings the wonderful shapes and uniqueness of each snowflake, beautiful and pure. Let this cauldron be filled until overflowing.

Now the ice rises higher to the shoulders, flowing down your arms and hands, then moves up into the head to the cauldron of the mind. As this cauldron is filled we learn that our will and thoughts, things most abstract, can take shape in the world and be made real. Bright and keen the ice glistens as it reflects the myriad thoughts that ache for manifestation. Feel the ice fill this cauldron to overflowing.

Become living ice, fluid made solid. This is no ordinary ice. Within it are seeds of creation, fertile with nutrients ready to be quickened and brought forth. You are both thought made manifest and the quiet potential of new beginnings. You are solid, you are made real, full of one half of the powers that created the cosmos. Continue to breathe and let that breath sustain you.

Now be aware of a great sun above you full of fire and energy. This is the other half of the great life giving powers. Feel the warmth radiating from this source of power. A beam  shines forth down into the top of your head, filling the cauldron of the mind with light and fire. As the sacred fire touches the ice it illuminates it and makes it shine, purifying and invigorating. The fire fills this cauldron to overflowing.

The fire flows downward filling your shoulders, arms and hands. It moves into the torso, and settles in the cauldron of the heart. This is the warmth of love and beauty as it meets the ability to manifest and become real. Feel the joy as the fire brightens and enlivens the ice in this cauldron, filling it with radiance until it overflows.

The fire moves down your torso until it pools in the cauldron of the loins. The ice glows with life and purpose. This is the seed finding root and the growth of life. Feel the strength and power of the ice in this cauldron as the fire merges with it. The fire fills the cauldron until it overflows.

The fire now makes its way down your legs into your feet and into the endless ice below you. You are now one with both fire and ice. You are the moment of creation when all things are possible and can be made real. You are the power of manifestation blended with the divine fire of life. The fire in the ice transforms it and it starts to move. It does not melt, but is transformed following your desire and will. You are the ice and the hand that carves it. Let yourself be transformed, purified and reshaped. Let the divine be made manifest within.

Remember this feeling and hold to it as we continue this rite. When you are ready open your eyes and feel the ice and fire in those around you.

posted on März 28, 2019 | Related: Meditation and Trance, Anglo-Saxon Culture, Norse Culture, Order of the Raven and Falcon, Practical Ritual Skills, dean
Citation: Web Administrator, "Fire & Ice Two Powers", Ár nDraíocht Féin, März 28, 2019,