by Drum posted on mai 6, 2024
Related: Blog, Voie Dédicante, Nine Virtues

ADF is an orthopraxic organization, which means that we focus on shared practice instead of shared beliefs. However, as part of our Dedicant Program, we ask members to explore and define nine virtues and the role they have (or don’t have) in their spiritual life. This week, we move on to Fertility.

Earth Mother,
Spirits of Inspiration,
Ancestors, Nature Spirits, Shining Ones,
Let me be fruitful,
In mind, body, and spirit,
Like the Earth Mother,
Give me fertility in the things
Which come from me
That they may nourish and inspire
Myself and others
As we grow along the Way!
So be it!

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by Drum posted on mai 6, 2024 | Related: Blog, Voie Dédicante, Nine Virtues
Citation: Drum, "Nine Virtues: Fertility", Ár nDraíocht Féin, mai 6, 2024,