by wjhjr posted on maio 8, 2024
Related: Blog, Meditation Practice, Practical Ritual Skills, Solitary Practice

There are many options today that were not available to us regarding tools and paraphernalia for one’s practice (the number of makers and vendors has increased exponentially over the years – and even moreso since computers and the Internet became mainstream). It is nice to have the shiny new things that are often cleverly made and beautiful to look at (though quality varies) but they are unnecessary. And many are useful don’t get me wrong; but nice to look at and necessary are not the same thing. It is important for us to know that we need very little to maintain a successful and consistent practice under even the most adverse conditions. My purpose in this posting is of course to explain this.

When I was growing up (and yes I am editing for brevity’s sake) we were raised (in my case) in Christianity, anyone who deviated from that met with censure and abuse with the form and severity varying from family to family. I learned to keep my thoughts and feelings to myself. This sort of habit of mind breeds within one an adaptability to change and capacity to strip what is unnecessary from the necessary.

The example I will use in this case may be adapted to any practice in my opinion and is really only limited by the imagination of the user. Do not allow yourself to be trapped by my examples. I am using the tools and materials available to me, as should you. Our ancestors kept the remnants of paganism, heathenry, and magic alive in much the same way.

One of the powers I work with is Tyr, known commonly as a deity concerned with War, Justice, Honor, and Discipline. I take my position in my work with him from a warrior’s point of view (in this case).


  • Tea light (traditional or electric)
  • zippo lighter (a means to light the light source)
  • Tyr pendant (image or other item one associates strongly with the power in question)
  • controlled breathing
  • Patience, Integrity, and Sincerity(States of mind and person)
Tyr pendant

It is important to remind people that you can use a bit of wood or stone (or whatever) and a lit match or twig for the foci. The most important bits are the last three which no one but you can take from you. One can use your imagination in the worst of cases to create a flame in your mind (or any of the other tools really) which has enough reality for our needs here. Of course if you can’t breathe, the necessity of the rest of the practice is removed.

Regarding sacred space. If you find you’ve the time and wish to do so it is useful to do this as it does help one focus the mind for what is necessary. Use the method you like best. Though I would recommend learning a bare-bones method that you create in your mind (I will cover this at another time if there is interest) to maintain a habit of simplicity and practicality if your situation demands such care in keeping your practice to yourself.

You can also use the same area all the time to build energy for future work (something our ancestors did to build up power for one’s practice over time). Again, this is for those who have the luxury of being above board in their practice and do not fear discovery.


Find a safe space where you can relax and settle your mind (venue does not matter its your safety that counts). Relax and breathe in slow even breaths. The amount of time you spend on this is according to your situation. One to five minutes should be plenty for this entire practice. Use less as your situation warrants. Be patient, have no motives other than connection and be sincere in your wish to connect with that power. At this point you are not asking for anything; you are building a relationship. Over time you will know when it is permissible to start asking for things and what you can ask for. That said, if you are connecting for the sake of getting ‘stuff’ you may wish to reevaluate your goals (you are not connecting to a vending machine). Further you will learn from that power how you can conduct your practice with them in future, that works for you both.

  1. Light the flame; feel it bloom in your heart, your mind, and your spirit
  2. Use the image you have chosen and allow yourself to meditate on the power you wish to connect with
  3. write down whatever you learn (if your situation allows – otherwise use a mnemonic to remember it)

After all this, you and the power may find you are not a good match for each other. That is alright, as if you have used the correct frame of mind as I’ve previously recommended, the said power may suggest whom you are better suited for. And if not, do not be discouraged. Be patient, be sincere, and continue to practice integrity and you will be successful in connecting to a power (or powers) you are compatible with. You may wonder why I harp on patience, integrity, and sincerity so much. The question really answers itself; would you want to work with someone who did not have these qualities? The good news is we all do have them, we just might need to do some work on ourselves is all.

That is the entirety of what I recommend in a very bare bones practice. One can scale it back to where (as I’ve mentioned previously) it is all conducted within the imagination, where even the space has been created you wish to work in. Or you can expand the scope of course. If there is interest I will cover imaginal creation of tools and space in a future posting. May the Ancestors and powers you work with… be with you!

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by wjhjr posted on maio 8, 2024 | Related: Blog, Meditation Practice, Practical Ritual Skills, Solitary Practice
Citation: wjhjr, "Keeping Your Practice Simple, In Complicated Environments", Ár nDraíocht Féin, maio 8, 2024,