Make a Recurring Donation to ADF

You may use this page to set up a recurring (periodic) donation to ADF. For example, you might decide to donate $5 every month, $20 every year, 10 cents a day, etc. You can allow ADF to use the funds where they are most needed, or you can specify which donation fund you would like your donation put into.

Since ADF is a 501(c)3 religious organization, your donations will be tax-deductible in the U.S. However, you can only deduct donations you have actually made (not ones you'll make in the future), so if you plan to claim deductions for the donations be sure to save the e-mail receipts for each recurring donation.

How this works: Fill out the form below and we'll redirect you to the PayPal site to continue payment. If you later decide to cancel the recurring payment, you may do so directly on PayPal's site.

Donations do come with some costs to ADF: if you would like to help off-set those costs of ADF accepting your donation, adding $1 per $50 donation will generally cover it (e.g. to donate a full $45, you could donate $46; to donate a full $90, you could donate $92). Contact the ADF Office if you have questions.

Your name (first and last):
Membership ID# : (if you are a member)
Purpose of donation (help):
If purpose is "Other", fill in here:
For "Regional Druid Fund", you may specify a region:
Frequency of donation:
Amount of donation:

Please go to to agree to put your name on the donation wall (Opens in a new window)