A Vision for Ar nDraiocht Fein

posted on Juli 27, 2021
Related: Über uns, Identität

Originally published in News From the Mother Grove, November 1995

In the midst of our concern with corporate structure, bank accounts and member services, I offer a vision of the spiritual, and of the Spirits.

I believe that Our Druidry has in it the seeds of a powerful relationship between mortal folk and the Inner Realms. Our Pagan movement has for several decades been calling out to the God/desses and Spirits, and they are beginning to answer. We have nurtured the work in secret, working in tiny groups to grasp the skills of magic and the meanings of religion. I believe that ADF is one of the many answers that are being given, like the Waters of the Triple Cauldron, to the world.

Our Druidry is a blending of at least two distinct streams of Pagan current. On one hand we have attracted many teachers and initiates from various Wiccan and Craft traditions. From them we can gain important occult and magical skills, as well as knowledge of group dynamics and real Inner contacts. On the other hand much of our original structure was based on Asatru ways. From the Norse traditions we can learn lessons of kinship and sincerity, and the value of ethics and simple tribal religion. Magic and religion; the two primary divisions of our heritage.

From these grafted roots we have the potential to grow a fruitful tree. It has begun already in our Groves. Our fires are becoming meeting places both for the Pagan folk of our communities and for the Kindreds of Spirits. In order to continue this growth, we must cultivate both the roots of our tree.

The Holy Places of our Way can become like the hearths of wise chieftains. There every kinsman and kinswoman can find welcome, can stand in the presence of the Powers, can find affirmation of our Ways. There we can find in one another good counsel, friendship and mutual support. Together we can work for the health, wealth and wisdom of each and all.

The Sacred Centers of our Nemetons, whether public or individual, can be places where ordinary people can come a little close to the borders of the Otherworld, perhaps speak with the Spirits that are most in tune with their individual lives, and drink of the Waters of Life. In this way we can bring a greater share of the blessing of the Spirits, and the power of magic, to many who might never learn the skills for themselves.

My vision for ADF involves blending the earnest practice of magic and spirit-art with the heart-felt devotion and fellowship of religion. I see us as similar to those religions that encourage learning and the preservation of lore. I hope we also choose to be like those who instruct all of their members in meditation, energy attunement and ritual invocation. Paganism, and thus ADF, contains all of this in seminal form. >From our roots we hope to harvest patterns of community that can carry our work from our generation forward, with strength and honor. We hope also to gain core techniques of mental and spiritual discipline that can allow us to interact with the Powers, and gain good for our folk and the world.

May the God/desses and the Wise Ancestors, and the Noble Spirits of all Kins aid us to make it so.

posted on Juli 27, 2021 | Related: Über uns, Identität
Citation: "A Vision for Ar nDraiocht Fein", Ár nDraíocht Féin, Juli 27, 2021, https://ng.adf.org/article/the-vision-of-adf/?lang=de