Morrígu Mist

by Member_4559 posted on junio 13, 2019
Related: Deity Invocations, Irish Culture, Deities, Practical Ritual Skills, dean

by Chelly Couvrette

Morrígu, sisters three,
Macha, Badb and Morrígan I name thee,
cast your mist upon this place.
Keep out those we do not embrace.
Your mist envelops, your mist surrounds,
within this space and within my life as I have allowed. 

by Member_4559 posted on junio 13, 2019 | Related: Deity Invocations, Irish Culture, Deities, Practical Ritual Skills, dean
Citation: Member_4559, "Morrígu Mist", Ár nDraíocht Féin, junio 13, 2019,