- 2008 Liturgists Yearbook - posted on junho 13, 2019 | Related: Attunement, Autumn Equinox / Mabon, Bardic Inspiration, Beltane, Deity Invocations, Devotional Rituals, Family Rituals, Gatekeeper Invocation, Imbolc, Liturgists Yearbook, Lughnasadh / Lammas, Meditation and Trance, Samhain, Summer Solstice, Gaulish Culture, Hellenic Culture, Irish Culture, Non-Specific Hearth Cultures, Norse Culture, Proto-Indo-European Culture, Roman Culture, Slavic Culture, Liturgists Guild
- 2009 Liturgists Yearbook - posted on junho 13, 2019 | Related: Autumn Equinox / Mabon, Bardic Inspiration, Beltane, Blessing Rituals, Family Rituals, Gatekeeper Invocation, Liturgists Yearbook, Meditation and Trance, Samhain, Special Occasion Rituals, Spring Equinox / Ostara, Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice / Yule, American Hearth Culture, Hellenic Culture, Irish Culture, Norse Culture, Proto-Indo-European Culture, Slavic Culture, Liturgists Guild
- 2014 Liturgist Yearbook - posted on junho 13, 2019 | Related: Home Shrine Rituals, Liturgists Yearbook, Meditation and Trance, Samhain, Special Occasion Rituals, Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice / Yule, Hellenic Culture, Norse Culture, Roman Culture, Liturgists Guild
- A Short Meditation with Nehalennia as a Gatekeeper - by Waldfee posted on fevereiro 6, 2022 | Related: Meditation and Trance, Norse Culture
- Fire & Ice Two Powers - posted on março 28, 2019 | Related: Meditation and Trance, Anglo-Saxon Culture, Norse Culture, Order of the Raven and Falcon, Practical Ritual Skills, dean
- Imbolc Two Powers Meditation - by JenniHunt posted on julho 18, 2021 | Related: Meditation and Trance, Não categorizado, Two Powers
- Meditation: A World of Ice - by Waldfee posted on fevereiro 6, 2022 | Related: Meditation and Trance, Norse Culture
- Proto-Indo-European Meditation Ritual - posted on julho 17, 2021 | Related: Liturgists Yearbook, Meditation and Trance, Proto-Indo-European Culture, Não categorizado
- The Two Powers Meditation - posted on julho 9, 2021 | Related: Meditation and Trance, Não categorizado, Two Powers
posted on julho 9, 2021
Related: Não categorizado
posted on julho 9, 2021 | Related: Não categorizado
"Meditation", Ár nDraíocht Féin, julho 9, 2021, https://ng.adf.org/article/meditation/?lang=pt-br