Inside the Dedicant Path

posted on juillet 9, 2021
Related: Voie Dédicante

When I came to ADF, I came at the behest of a group of eclectic pagan friends who would roll their eyes at my constant theological and cosmological questions, and who ultimately suggested that I would be happier with “those Druids” because Druids think about such things.

I came to ADF dragging behind me 30 years of Christian ministry. I immediately resonated with the people and loved the liturgy, but polytheism was so very foreign to me, and I didn’t enjoy the mythology very much. Add to that my natural resistance to going from being on the cutting edge of the then current wave of Christian theology known as “cosmic spirituality,” and suddenly finding myself a neophyte.

I brought this baggage to the Dedicant Program. I didn’t resist it, but I wasn’t really sure how valuable it would be. I kind of thought of it as a stepping stone to be “gotten through” so I could get on with what I was really interested in—the clergy study program.

By the time I completed all the documentation nine months later, I was astounded at the change the Dedicant Program had wrought in me. I no longer felt like a Yawhist who was studying Druidry, I began to feel like a Druid. I remember asking our Senior Druid in the beginning if I would really be a Druid if I believed in One God/Many Aspects rather than being a true polytheist. By the time I finished the DP, it was no longer an issue because I now had patrons, and the concept of polytheism was as natural as monotheism had seemed before.

The dedicant’s journey was truly an adventure, not only anp unforgettable one, but one that opened up whole new worlds and paradigms for me. From my first foray into Berresford Ellis’s The Druids to the last pen stroke of my patron rite, I was immersed in a whole new world, one that has become my life and my breath.

I came to ADF after about five years of searching for a place where I could learn about spirituality and how my ancestors lived and worshipped. I basically wanted a place where I could learn—I was so tired of reading books where authors would differ on the same subject, and when I would ask others that had been following the path longer than I about the differences, I was always told, “It’s however you feel it should be.” I found in ADF a road map, if you will, of how to go about learning what I needed and wanted to learn.

I was very concerned that what I wrote would not be what someone thought it should be, but this was not the case. I joined ADF in 1999 and one year later had finished my Dedicant’s Program and ever since that time I have been very much into learning and spirituality—I just can’t seem to get enough. I felt greatest pride when I wrote my Dedicant’s Ritual; even though all of it was not mine, this paved the way for me to delve into writing other rituals.

After finishing the Dedicant’s Program, I felt the urge to promote it to others. I cannot emphasize enough how much finishing the program has aided me in my knowledge and spirituality. I really don’t think people realize how much it will change them, and there is no easy way to convince them. When I would hear some say, “Why should I have to write it down?” or, “Well, I could just say I read the book, who would know?”, this would frustrate me to no end. I now realize that there is no way for me to make people start or finish the Dedicant Program. I’m just happy that I have taken that first step, and boy has it opened a lot of doors into knowledge and spirituality for me.

I still cannot emphasize enough the Dedicant’s Program is great! I’m very happy to be a part of this wonderful group of people and look forward to more learning and growing.

posted on juillet 9, 2021 | Related: Voie Dédicante
Citation: "Inside the Dedicant Path", Ár nDraíocht Féin, juillet 9, 2021,