COOR for Magical Work

by Member_7307 posted on Juli 18, 2021
Related: Magic in Ritual

By Catherine Heath (Seo Helrune)

Touch the ground with your left hand while putting your hand over your heart. To the Holy Mother Earth who upholds my life and the Matrons of the Three Waters who bless my life. I pray that you uphold and bless this rite.

Make offering.

Adopt Orans position looking up to the sky.

Powers of inspiration of flame, word, and tongue

Enflame my mind and silver my speech so that I might speak well in this place. Make offering..

Hold hand over water in a gesture of blessing. Make whatever blessing sign you wish over receptacle.

With silver is this water transformed into the sacred well of the underworld. Offer silver. Repeat hand gesture with fire.

With oil/incense is this flame made into the fire-bridge to the above world. Offer oil/incense. And with incense is this pillar made the tree which connects all worlds. Cense the tree using an infinity symbol motion.

With water I consecrate. Asperge the area.

With fire I claim. Carry fire around space.

With water I consecrate that which I have claimed. Asperge area once more.

A snake encircles the grove, unending and eternal.

Trace the boundary of your space with your finger or wand. Trace two more times hissing as you do so.

Grounding and centering meditation.

Go to the edge of the bounds.

I pray to the wolf warriors beyond the bonds to keep the disruptive foes at bay. Let your defenses be impenetrable!

Make Offering.

Return to altar.

To the Gatekeepers I now call.

Make Offering then hold your arms crossed before you.

Goddesses and gods of the ways

Liminal powers of dawn and dusk, of crossroads and doors

Of mists and keys, to open the ways, make open the gates

Uncross your arms to signify the opening of the ways.

The Mighty Dead I call, with prayerful intent – come up from your halls and in from the cold.
Light candle for the Dead and make offering of honey water.

The Noble Spirits I call, with utmost respect – I invite you to this grove.

Light candle for the Noble Spirits and offer milk or bread.

The Shining Ones I call, with the greatest reverence – come from your thrones and to this place here now.

Light candle for the Shining Ones and offer liquor.

I pray and give honor to _______ this night………

Mighty and most holy _____, do you accept my offerings?

Draw y/n answer.

I have gifted __________ with (offering) and (offering). I have honored you as (role), and I have prayed (thanks/praise). By the first omen received, these offerings have been accepted. Now I ask, what blessings do you, oh most excellent and powerful _____ offer in return?

Take Omen

I accept these blessings. Hold up cup of waters, gesture a separating off. I hold this cup up high and ask that you pour your blessings into the waters in this cup that I might drink of them and so know them. The waters of life!

Drink. If you have any magical workings, do them now.

Adopt Orans position and face representation of DOTO (if you have)

Great and most high god/dess ____, I thank you for blessing my rite with your presence, hearing my prayers, and accepting my offerings. This rite is ending and your throne awaits. As you came in power, I ask that you go in peace.

Take up the Shining Ones candle.

Most holy and powerful Shining Ones, I thank you for blessing my rite with your presence and the blessings you extend to my life. This rite is ending and your thrones await. As you came in power, I ask that you go in peace.

Blow out candle.

Take up the Noble Spirits candle.

Oh Noble Spirits, our Good Neighbors upon this blessed earth, I am grateful for your attendance at this rite. This rite is ending and your homes sit empty. As you came in power, I ask that you go in peace.

Blow out candle.

Take up the Mighty Dead candle.

Mighty Dead, ancestors of heart, blood, and mind. I thank you for blessing my rite with your attendance. This rite is ending and your halls await. As you came in power, I ask that you go in peace. Blow out candle.

Hold arms uncrossed before you.

I call once more to the Gatekeepers

Gods and goddesses of dusk and dawn,

Crossroads and mists

To make closed the ways between the worlds

Gatekeepers, I ask you, close the gates!

Cross arms.

Go to the bounds of the space.

To the wolf warriors who guarded and protected this space, I release you from this task with gratitude.

Trace the bounds widdershins, visualising the snake folding up into itself until you reach the start point when it slithers off.

The serpent retreats from this space, we are separate from the profane no more.

Hold hand over tree/candle/’well’ in turn.

Let the tree be but a tree.

Let the fire be but flame

Let the well be but water

I return this space to the world

Adopt Orans.

Powers of inspiration of flame, word, and tongue

I thank you for guiding my speech in this place.

Touch the ground with your left hand and put your hand over your heart with your right.

To the Holy Mother Earth who upholds my life and the Matrons of the Three Waters who bless my life. I thank you for upholding and blessing this rite.

by Member_7307 posted on Juli 18, 2021 | Related: Magic in Ritual
Citation: Member_7307, "COOR for Magical Work", Ár nDraíocht Féin, Juli 18, 2021,