“The Godden: In You I See Me”
by Rev. Jan Avende, originally published on their Patreon & blog
As we grow as pagans, there are many ways our practice and our liturgical language changes over time, and it is important to regularly evaluate and reflect on them. Not only does this allow us to make sure our work still aligns with our values, but it also make sure that it is accurate to our theology and praxis.
Over the past 8 months or so I’ve been evaluating my language around how we call the deities into our rites and into our lives. During a couple of our recording sessions (episodes 16 & 17) for the Druids in Cars, Going to Festivals podcast, Rev. Dangler and I talked with Corbin, one of our grove members who is trans. He was explaining about how our liturgical language often excludes him, how calling to the gods and goddesses leaves a huge hole where those who aren’t represented within the gender binary are ignored.
Everyone deserves to see the divine within themselves and to see themselves represented within the divine. When we use gender exclusive language to describe our deities, we are shutting members of our folk out of that relationship. And, especially as priests, that is emphatically NOT OKAY. You may say “but this is how we’ve always done things” or “we already use the term ‘Shining Ones’ or ‘Deities’ to describe them collectively” or “well, what else would you call them other than gods and goddesses?”
Enter the title “Godden”. It was floated in early 2003 as a way to address “gods without gender, both genders, changing genders, or somewhere people haven’t thought of going yet.” It’s seems well-suited to also address somewhere that people haven’t found names for yet. Unsurprisingly, those who were interested in non-binary language drifted away from the center of the conversations and the term was forgotten in the depths of our email archives. It wasn’t until Rev. Dangler mentioned it during that podcast recording that I’d heard of it.
Our understanding of the way people identify in relation to their gender has evolved since 2003 (and earlier) and we’ve come to see the many beautiful ways that people can comfortably exist in their own skin. As we’ve learned the different ways of addressing ourselves and each other, so too does it make sense that we need to learn new language to address the Deities. With this new language we can call out to those Shining Ones who don’t fit neatly within a binary, and when they appear to us we can see ourselves reflected in their love.
A Child of Earth calls out to the Godden,
You who share your love with me.
I see you in the rising sun and in the setting moon.
And in you I see me.
I see you running the forest trails and tending the fields.
And in you I see me.
I see you in the rising surf and in the murmuring stream.
And in you I see me.
I see you flitting on the wind and burning in the flames.
And in you I see me.
I see you singing sweet songs and melting away the dross.
And in you I see me.
I call out, that I might see your bright visage
So clear and bright that I can see my reflection in you.
Shining Godden, hold me in your loving embrace,
And be a perfect mirror of me.
Shining Godden, I call out to you: be with me now!