The Hearth Keepers of ADF are those individuals, families, and small groups that have aligned themselves and at least a portion of their practice with ADF. The Hearth Keeper’s Way is a method of worship for the folk of Our Druidry. To become a Hearth Keeper is to devote yourself to the basic work of druidry – to welcome the gods and spirits to your hearthfire, to keep the holy days simply, and to integrate paganism into your daily life. Being a Hearth Keeper is about keeping the flames of piety active for your Hearth.
When we worship as Hearth Keepers, not only are we feeding the hearthfire of ADF, but we are also coming together with other Hearths. We know that though other Hearth Keepers are worshipping in different physical locations, they join us in the same practice. Each Hearth Keeper brings their own style to this worship, and by joining one another in shared practice we experience a new sense of belonging and fellowship.
You can find The Hearth Keepers Way, the companion book to this work on this page
Le chemin de Hearth Keepers – French Translation on Google Drive
Der Weg des Herdhüters – German Translation of the Hearth Keepers Way
(the below info is also in the Hearth Keepers Way book)
After you’ve read the details about affiliating your Hearth with the Hearth of ADF and have chosen become a Hearth Keeper of Ár nDraíocht Féin simply fill out the form at https://forms.gle/Xdn7NJQKWTNBS7rn9 with the necessary details. Once we’ve received your information you will be emailed a print quality PDF certificate recognizing that your Hearth has joined with the Hearth of Ár nDraíocht Féin.
If you need a paper copy of this form or your certificate, please mail us at at the address at the bottom of the website.
If you have questions about the Hearth Keepers Way please contact the Hearth Keeper Coordinator at hearthkeeper@adf.org
- The Autumn cross quarter-Samhain en Français [French]
- Lunar Hearthkeepers Rite
- Le quart de l’hiver, la célébration de Imbolc, en Français
- La Communauté des Druides solitaires, la liturgie simple en Français.
- La célébration lunaire de ADF Heathkeeper en Français
- Hearth Keeper Ritual from Hannahannahs Hearth [Video]
- Formal ritual for Daily or Weekly devotion [Breton]
- Fall Equinoxe en Français [French]
- ADF Solstice d’hiver en Français
- A Simple Rite of Offering
- A Simple First Snow Rite