Solitary Irish Recon Ritual

by SeanHarbaugh posted on July 17, 2021
Related: Home Shrine Rituals, Liturgists Yearbook, Solitary Rituals, Irish Culture

Submitted for the 2017 Liturgist Guild Yearbook. Written by Rev. Sean W Harbaugh and Converted from PDF by Victoria S

This ritual is meant to use simple implements. The following tools are suggested:

A small altar
Drinking horn or cup with whiskey or mead
Two bottles of beer
A fire
A stone
A knife
A staff
A bowl

Bell is rung three times three to signal beginning of the ritual.

PD: It is here that I will call upon the gods, the Ancestors, and the spirits of this land. As the Ancients have done before me, and as I do now, I call upon my allies—my kin–to join me here for this rite. My purpose is to connect with my kin, and through this I will call upon them to guide me through my veneration and devotion. Be it so.

Outsiders, you who are not part of this rite.
Beings that bring chaos to the order.
You who are part of myself I leave out here.
Take this offering and do not disturb my work.

(Beer is offered and left outside the ritual space)

Inspiration/Recreating the Cosmos

PD: (fire is lit from charcoal)

Sacred fire, you who deliver my offerings to the gods.
You who shine bright in the night and provide warmth.
I call upon you to be the sacred Hallows on which my offerings are made.
I call upon you to act as the fire of inspiration.
Sacred Fire, burn within me!

(Oil is offered to the fire)

Morfesa of Falias, teach me your knowledge.
Esras of Gorias, teach me your knowledge.
Uiscias of Findias, teach me your knowledge.
Semias of Murias, teach me your knowledge.
The four of you are the wizards of the Tuatha,
The four of you are the poets of the gods,
Through your prose, inspire me with the lore,
Through your magic, empower me with your secrets!
Spirits of Inspiration, accept my offering!

(oil is offered to the fire)

Falias, from you we are gifted the Stone of Fal. It used to cry out beneath every king that would take Ireland.

(A stone is placed on the altar)

Gorias, from you we are gifted the spear of Lugh, the multi-gifted. No battle was ever sustained against it, or against the man who held it in his hand.

(A spear or staff or any representation thereof is place on or near the altar)

Findias, from you we are gifted the sword of Nuadu. No one ever escaped from it once it was drawn from its deadly sheath, and no one could resist it.

(A knife is placed on the altar)

Murias, from you we are gifted the Dagda’s cauldron. No company ever went away from it unsatisfied.

(Grain is offered to a bowl or small cauldron on the altar)

A smudge stick or incense is lit, and the presiding priest walks clockwise around the ritual space nine times smudging the area saying:

By the might of the water and the light of the fire, this space is made whole and holy!

Calling the Kindreds

Ancestors of kin, of place, of community,
You who came before me.
You whose wisdom is everlasting.
Ancient Ones, Wise Ones, Mighty
Dead, I call upon you to join me.
I give you this beer to enjoy,
In the purest sense of hospitality. Ancestors, meet me at the fire!
Ancestors, accept my offering!

(Beer is poured into a cup and placed on the altar)

Nature spirits, those seen and unseen, You who are ever present.
You who are part of this sacred land. Mighty Ones, Mighty Sidhe,
I call upon you to join me.
I give you this grain to enjoy,
In the purest sense of hospitality.
Mighty Ones, meet me at the fire!
Mighty Ones, accept my offering!

(Grain is sprinkled on the ground)

Gods and Goddesses of all hearths,
You who the fire delivers my offerings.
You who dwell above us in the sky.
Shining Ones, Gods and Goddesses all, I call upon you to join me.
I give you this whiskey to enjoy,
In the purest sense of hospitality.
Shining Ones, meet me at the fire!
Shining Ones, accept my offering!

(Whiskey is poured on the fire)

(Invocations/Offering to any personal deities or deity of the occasion is here)

Mighty Kindreds all,

I have made offerings to you each,
But now I combine that energy
Into one great sacrifice to you all.

(holds up loaf of bread and whiskey)

Mighty Kindreds all,
I give you this whiskey and bread,
I give you my best in true devotion.
In the spirit of hospitality,
In the spirit if piety,
In the spirit of fertility,
In the spirit of inspiration.
Mighty Kindreds all, accept my sacrifice!

(Whiskey and bread are sacrificed to the fire and ground respectively)

Personal Work/Magic/Personal offerings

This portion is left open for any work that the ritualist intends to do.

Return Flow

(The drinking horn, filled with whiskey and water, is raised up)

Ancestors, Nature Spirits, and Shining Ones,
A gift calls for a gift.
I have given you my offerings and sacrifices,
And I am ready to receive your blessings.
I call out to you now, bring me your blessings.
I call out to you, bring me your gifts.

Ancestors, hallow these waters!
Nature Spirits, hallow these waters!
Shining Ones, hallow these waters!
Mighty Kindreds all, hallow these waters!
Behold, the Waters of life!

I accept your gifts O’ Kindreds.

(Ritualist drinks from horn and pours remaining on ground)

Mighty Kindreds all,
I have given you offerings and sacrifices,
And you have given me your blessings in return.
Thank you all for being here.
Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom.
Thank you for your magic.
Thank you for your kinship.

Thanking the Beings

(Deity of the Occasion), thank you for being here.
I am grateful for your presence.
Until next time.
Shining Ones, thank you for being here.
I am grateful for your presence.
Until next time.
Nature Spirits, thank you for being here.
I am grateful for your presence.
Until next time.
Ancestors, thank you for being here.
I am grateful for your presence.
Until next time.
Morfesa of Falias,
Esras of Gorias,
Uiscias of Findias,
Semias of Murias,
Thank you for your knowledge and inspiration

(All remaining offerings are poured on the ground)

This rite is ended!

(Bell is rung three times three)

by SeanHarbaugh posted on July 17, 2021 | Related: Home Shrine Rituals, Liturgists Yearbook, Solitary Rituals, Irish Culture
Citation: SeanHarbaugh, "Solitary Irish Recon Ritual", Ár nDraíocht Féin, July 17, 2021,