Bardic Invocation by Maria Stoy of Sassafras Grove

posted on June 13, 2019
Related: Ancestor Invocations, Ancestors, Groves and Groups, Practical Ritual Skills, dean, Sassafras Grove

I call to the Spirits of inspiration

You shining deities whose celestial music sings order into chaos

You poets who traveled far and wide

Bringing tales of other lands to enrich our myth and culture

You mothers and fathers who shared the tale of home and family

That your children might know story of our beginnings

You singers who kept alive the lore of heroes

That we might learn courage from their deeds

Ovid, Virgil, Cicero, Plautus, Seneca

You who wrote the stories of your people

That later generations might know and remember

Honored dead, spirits of inspiration

You whose names we have forgotten

And you whose names live still in our memories

Be welcome at our fire

Lend us some small portion of your wisdom

And let our words be pleasing to the gods and kindreds.

Spirits of Inspiration, accept our offering!

posted on June 13, 2019 | Related: Ancestor Invocations, Ancestors, Groves and Groups, Practical Ritual Skills, dean, Sassafras Grove
Citation: Web Administrator, "Bardic Invocation by Maria Stoy of Sassafras Grove", Ár nDraíocht Féin, June 13, 2019,