Defending the Empire

by Gwernin posted on junho 13, 2019
Related: Roman Culture, Creative Writing, dean

by Glenn “Maghnus” Wright

Come gather ‘round and let me tell
Of mighty deeds and lives that fell
In defense and honor of the realm.
Hear of travels afar and near
Of actions deceptive and those overt
While those at home slumber secure
Unaware of what is done
To keep them safe and far from harm.
To the far reaches of the Empire we go
Marching amid the slain and gore
Always onward while ahead the crow
Keeping pace like a beacon of war
Flies awaiting the carnage to come.
What gods ordain man must obey
Whilst knowing that some
Will be left to stray
This barren, despoiled and wasted land.
What manner of men are we
That march ever onward no end in sight
By day found praying to Mars,
By night obeisance to Bacchus.
How else might we live
With all we have done
With all we have seen
And with all have we condoned.
Banded together brothers in arms
A bond none truthfully break
We live to serve, conquer, protect
Let none stand in our determined way.
My time of enlistment nears its end 
But thoughts of home have long ago
Fled my mind, now satisfied with other
Mortal concerns imbedded from years
Of rote training and more
Saturate my very soul indeed.
When my mortal time is oe’r
Measured and sealed by the Fates
Will I still forever wander
In service to Caesar and Rome
Or will I among the many slain 
Dwell in Hades dark depths
Never more to know
The warmth of sun,
The chill of rain or
The bitter cold of snow?
What have I done
In lives ere this, that now
I ponder upon my doom
For such it seems that I have been dealt
By Juno and the Fates, 
My servitude to mighty Rome
Ordained my destiny eternal
To march ever onward seeking a goal
Long elapsed in memory of man.
Now I sit staring at flames
Drinking my wine and holding my sword
An augmentation of my arm
Familiar, comforting and secure,
My life’s protector these many years o’er
The best friend a legionnaire has. 
Apollo, god of music, hear me now
And fill my ears that your golden lyre
May drown the screams haunting my soul,
Oh Bacchus, bring me drunken slumber
To dull the ache of this day’s work
For I am old, tired and sore
And want to march on never more.
Gods and goddesses I plead with you now
End my life that I may in ever slumber go
If it be your will then lay me now 
Down on this ground around the fire
And transport my soul to where thou wilt
Bless me with eternal rest for deeds
Done in your name, for glory of Rome
And Caesars fame.
Hear me please that this agony may rest
That I may in service to you be
Glad and willing unburdened …
Ah, Fortuna peeks over yonder hill,
I must arise my duty to fulfill
For honor, brotherhood and Rome.
This day again we will march on
The scourge of all we meet,
Mayhem and torment we dole out
For such is the role of Legionnaires.
All Hail Bellona, Mars and all
Take from us all our cares
Protect us now lest we fall.

by Gwernin posted on junho 13, 2019 | Related: Roman Culture, Creative Writing, dean
Citation: Gwernin, "Defending the Empire", Ár nDraíocht Féin, junho 13, 2019,