Solitary Vetrnætr [Winter Nights] ADF Ritual

posted on Juni 13, 2019
Related: Devotional Rituals, Solitary Rituals, Winter Solstice / Yule, Norse Culture, Eldr ok Iss: Kin of Fire and Ice

* 2 Powers Meditation

* Purification + Outdwellers (On the assumption that
this is done as a Solitary Rite, these might have
already been taken care of by the way you set up your
local place of worship)

Earth Mother
Earth Mother, sleeping silent, dreaming a dream,
Your child calls, one of care and concern,
The land whitens, winter nights whisper words,
But from your Love, light burning bright,
I honor you here, this place, this night
Earth Mother, Accept my sacrifice

Call for Inspiration
Bragi, Rune tongued singer of songs,
I ask you now to help me here,
bring forth the poems that pool within,
help them flow and form, bring them forth,
Bragi, Accept my Sacrifice.

Statement of Intent
It is a honoured time of the last harvest,
Of work performed, and people praised,
But Sol’s light, shortens slowly,
with weather changing, and winter not waiting,
So here I stand, praise held in heart and hand,
To the kind Kindred, who help me and Kin

Recreate Cosmos
From the beneath bubbles the broth,
whos waters wind into the Well.
Sacred Well, flow within me
The intense spark that ignites,
Casting light, leaving no doubt,
Sacred Fire, burn within me,
From roots within, to branches without,
From below to beyond, bold bark built,
Sacred Tree Grow within me,

Heimdall, warrior, Watcher of wonder,
horn Holder helper ,so Asgard not torn asunder
I ask your help as gatekeeper, here.
create and cast with me, so my calls be clear
Heimdall, accept my sacrifice.

Opening the gates
May the Fire open to above and far,
May the Well open to the deep within,
May the Tree spanning all, join together

May the Gates be Open!

Shining Ones
Aesir, Vanir, Shining ones Strong,
from this Fires light, I’ll keep you not long
Hear my call wander the worlds wide
To hear praise and song by my side.
Shining Ones, Accept my sacrifice

Nature Spirits
Land Wights, those from stream and stone
Beside this place, with power you own
Dwellers, from within and beyond bush and branch
without your care, there would be no chance
Nature Spirits, Accept my Sacrifice

Ancestors, tomb bound teachers, tale tellers
By past deeds, honoured domain dwellers,
I call to gather, through gates and ground,
many wise folk, famed and found
Ancestors, Accept my Sacrifice

Praise Offerings

To the Kindred Gathered, Good and Great,
Three rounds toasts, of pure praise, and piety,
(Toast the Three Kindred in the way you see fit)

To those gathered, with great gifts given,
I ask for advice, an Omen offered.
(Take Omen)

Calling/Hallowing/Affirming the Blessings
From Omen obtained, be here bright blessings
From the Honoured to the horn, here now held high.
Pour, and Pass this proper pulsing praise,
feel within the light, and Behold the Waters of life!!

Thanking All
To those here tonight, I give you all thanks,
Happy once again, beside the light of the hearth,
Joined as we may be, with love and great Joy,
I thank you once again, to all that have helped!

Closing the Gates
Heimdall, Gatekeeper, effortless eye,
I ask your help with the gates before goodbye
I pray not to hear your horn, till I’ll not hinder

Heimdall, close the gates, and the pass it creates.

Thanking Earth Mother
Earth Mother, take your time, be it tranquil
Beneath the ground, where safety found
Till you stir again, in the light of spring
I will end as I start, with honor to you.
Hail, Earth Mother

posted on Juni 13, 2019 | Related: Devotional Rituals, Solitary Rituals, Winter Solstice / Yule, Norse Culture, Eldr ok Iss: Kin of Fire and Ice
Citation: Web Administrator, "Solitary Vetrnætr [Winter Nights] ADF Ritual", Ár nDraíocht Féin, Juni 13, 2019,